
Our mission is to unite partners from Poland, Austria, Estonia, Italy, France, and the Netherlands in a dynamic Erasmus+ cooperation partnership project. Through the exchange of best practices, we aim to elevate the competences of educators and adult education staff, emphasizing the pivotal role of environmental education. By placing environment and climate action at the forefront of our endeavor, we aspire to catalyze a paradigm shift towards responsible and sustainable food production and consumption.

Vision Statement

“Empowering Communities through Sustainable Food: A Culinary Journey for Environmental Consciousness”

Mission Statement

Our mission is to unite partners from Poland, Austria, Estonia, Italy, France, and the Netherlands in a dynamic Erasmus+ cooperation partnership project. Through the exchange of best practices, we aim to elevate the competences of educators and adult education staff, emphasizing the pivotal role of environmental education. By placing environment and climate action at the forefront of our endeavor, we aspire to catalyze a paradigm shift towards responsible and sustainable food production and consumption.

Description of the project: “Sustainable food for green minds” Erasmus+ two-years cooperation partnership project involve partners from Poland, Austria, Estonia, Italy, France and the Netherlands.

Project partners exchange good practices and experiences, improving the competences of educators and other adult education staff what is priority of adult education. Environment and climate action are key priorities for the EU now and in the future. Cooking and eating is a way to bring people together through one of the things we all enjoy most: sharing a good meal

Project partners seeks to provide advice on sourcing healthy, nutritious, local food, marrying this together with the cuisine of the different national groups, using the results as a way to foster integration and understanding, responsible and sustainable production and consumption.

This project will reinforce links between different stakeholders, promote innovative practices by supporting personalized learning approaches, collaborative learning innovative methods. Participants will increase competencies, reinforce creativity and cooperation with partners.

The “Sustainable Food for Green Minds” project is a two-year Erasmus+ cooperation partnership involving educational institutions from Poland, Austria, Estonia, Italy, France, and the Netherlands.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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